Friday, 13 July 2012

Level Design

Well level designing and creation is well under way,  but it is taking a lot longer than we expected (damn!).  It was intended that all the first 25 levels would have been finished by 2nd July, but it seems there will be a slight delay in sending out beta versions of the game out for testing.

The reason for the delay is that we did not anticipate that level creation would be that hard.  Yes, it is hard, especially if you have 25 levels (Free version) to create.   We have to try and keep the levels entertaining and that each levels become more hard and more thought is needed to complete.   We also want to try and not use all of our obstacle objects in the first 25 levels.  The first 25 levels (in both Free and paid version) is more of a introduction to the game,  the first 5, are the most simple levels,  no major obstacles,  just a quick way to learn what to do.  Then from level 6 onwards,  we introduce a new obstacle.  These obstacles can either be on your side or against you it all depends.

We have thought of three more obstacles to be implemented,  these will be a special feature in the paid version along with a few others which have already been implemented.  I anticipate to use 2 - 3 major obstacles in the free version,  but the last level in the free version (level 25 (free version only)) I implement a level which includes all the current obstacles as preview of what to expect if they want to purchase the full game.

When we finish all of the 25 levels, I will announce the actual name of the game, and release one game play screenshot.  So stay tuned (within the next few weeks or so).


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